The jack hammer golf club driver
The jack hammer golf club driver

the jack hammer golf club driver the jack hammer golf club driver
  1. #The jack hammer golf club driver drivers#
  2. #The jack hammer golf club driver driver#
  3. #The jack hammer golf club driver full#

To me titanium is just ting it has a lot of mass goes all over the place in direction and when you happen to add 112+ mph speed and hit it right you get 300 yard crushed sometimes other times it’s just wild toe hooks and pop ups it’s actually not very forgiving.

#The jack hammer golf club driver driver#

The thing is I hit the driver 250-260 all the time it’s heavy and grooves my swing and because it’s a solid mass object when you hit it about right it goes deep. I estimate 108 mph club head speed the ball went high was pured on the millimeter and was the best shot I have hit in 10 years. Ok I swung hard it’s a 43 inch steel DG gold 120+ gram shaft and I am strong however it’s shorter so It was limited. Recently I hit my Titleist 1989 persimmon driver 280 yards on flat ground tee shot no wind with a brand new callaway soft with a graphene core so it’s a modern ball. I’m no so sure that the hammer x wasn’t on the right track actually it was probably just built with a junk shaft and poor metallurgy.

#The jack hammer golf club driver full#

The only intel we could get is that he has apparently gone full covert recluse status, but is still in Denver. With this club, the air WILL swirl around the open back edges and cause a turbulance that will most likely slow down head speed, certainly cause minute strange flex and twist in the shaft.

#The jack hammer golf club driver drivers#

So, of course we did everything in our power to track this guy down. As clubs developed, the larger drivers became more aerodynamic with trailing edges meant to allow the air to flow past easily, since the club face had grown. Hell, I am willing to bet many of you reading this right now still have one sitting in the garage as a reminder what not to do at 4 AM with a gallon of Rocky Road and a cold one in your lap. So many that Jack launched product after product in the dark hours between 1AM-4AM on a golf channel near you. What sounds like a joke now, actually sold a lot of drivers. Could it be true? I have to buy it to see. The Hammer X driver promised to add a whopping 50 yards on all your tee shots. His commercials which boasted “revolutionary” technology like a sword-shaped shaft, a “Zero CC” design and many others promised golfers what they all were so desperate to hear. We should add genius marketer to the list. Jack Hamm supposedly has hit a golf ball a 1/4 mile, has a club head speed of 162 mph, holds 6-World Records and is the father of the big headed driver. That’s right Jack Hamm was screaming “POWWWW!!!” all the way to the bank when he released the famous Hammer X driver. From one of the most recognized faces in the history of golf gear. It is arguably one of the most popular golf infomercials ever.

The jack hammer golf club driver